Current Govt Job in Assam
IASST Recruitment 2020: Apply now
INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDY IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IASST) invites eligible and interested candidate for Contractual position for PROJECT ASSISTANT (domicile of Assam) with consolidated pay under a DST, GoI, sponsored project entitled “Development of a software for field test of cervical cancer using pap smear images” for Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division, IASST, Guwahati
Vacancy and Other details are given below
Total no of vacancy: 01
Post Name: Project Assistant
Age Limit: Not more than 35 yrs (Relaxtion as per the GoI rules)
Educational Qualification & Experience:
M.Sc./M Tech in Computer Science/Information Technology. Preference will be given to the candidates having training/experience in Machine Learning and Computer Vision and knowledge of Python, SQL, Tensorflow/Keras
Salary: 20, 000/-
Date of interview: Shall be notified through email to the short-listed candidates
How To Apply
Interested candidates need to send soft copy of the duly filled-in and signed application form as per the prescribed format (Annexure-I) within 7 days from the date of publication of the advertisement to and The date of interview and other details will be communicated to the eligible candidates through e-mail. The candidates should bring their original mark-sheets, educational certificates, and other related documents at the time of interview along with a set of self-attested photocopies of all relevant documents. The format of the application form and details of the advertisement are available at IASST website ( Or Application form is also attached with the Official notification
Candidates are strictly requested to see the official notification carefully to collect correct information before apply.
Official notification: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Official Website: